Digital Technology


5 Reasons Your Cloud Deployment is Still Stuck


If you’re in the process of implementing a cloud deployment, it’s likely that you’ve heard about the benefits of cloud computing. But if you’re still stuck on whether or not this is right for your business, then read on! We’ll explore some common reasons why people struggle with their own cloud deployments and tell you what steps to take next.

You don’t have a clear cloud roadmap.

If you’re not sure where your cloud deployment is going, it’s time to plan. A roadmap is a plan for the future and should be flexible, adaptable, and regularly reviewed. It can help avoid getting stuck in the past by helping you identify where your cloud strategy needs to go next–and how each step along the way will impact current operations or future plans.

You don’t have a cloud service strategy.

The first step in getting your cloud deployment off the ground is to define your needs, budget and goals. While you can start with any of these three things, they’re generally easier to define when combined. For example, let’s say you need to manage several different applications across different departments at your company but aren’t sure how much money it will take or what kind of timeline would work best for each application.

In this case:

  • What are my cloud needs? What do I want from them (e.g., meeting SLA requirements)?
  • What is my available budget? How much can I spend on these services?
  • How long do I have until some critical service becomes obsolete or breaks down completely (e.g., data center equipment)?

You’re not using the right tools to make your cloud deployment successful.

If you’re not using the right tools to make your cloud deployment successful, then it’s time to start. The right tools can help you manage everything from data protection and compliance to user experience and operations.

You’re not using the right type of service for your needs.

The second problem is that you’re not using the right type of service for your needs.

When it comes to cloud computing, there are many choices and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. You may have heard about specific types of providers, but don’t know which one will solve your problem best or if they are even an option for you. The answer depends on several factors including:

  • Your budget – costs can vary significantly between providers based on features (e.g., storage), support options (e.g., 24/7 phone support), and licensing models (e..g., fixed cost).
  • How much time do you have available – some providers offer free trials so that they can get feedback from customers before committing to a long-term contract agreement with them as opposed to signing up immediately without knowing what kind of experience those customers would have with their service provider beforehand; this helps them better understand pricing structures needed in order avoid overcharging customers later down the road when things start getting dicey because everyone wants something different out there nowadays where everything seems urgent at all times whether it be buying tickets online or calling plumbers who charge too much money

Cloud deployment can be difficult, but a solid plan can help you be successful.

Cloud deployment is a complex process. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of information available and the number of resources involved in getting your cloud environment up and running. You have to have a clear road map, and strategy, and know what services you need before you can begin deploying them.

It also helps if your organization has already invested in tools that make it easier for them to manage their infrastructure on AWS or Azure; these tools include:

  • Automation frameworks like Chef, Puppet, or Ansible (or other automation platforms) allow organizations to automate repetitive tasks across multiple environments using scripts written in Ruby or Python languages using modules from third-party libraries like OpenStack which provide functions such as service discovery; billing integration with credit card processing systems; monitoring/maintaining application health via metrics collection from various sources including Amazon CloudWatch Real Time Events Logging capability
  • Infrastructure management systems such as CloudFormation templates
  • Configuration management systems such as Terraform


We hope these tips have been helpful to you! Remember, when it comes to cloud deployment, it’s all about the right tool for the job. If your cloud strategy is solid and your tools are up-to-date, then chances are you’ll be able to get started on your path toward making a successful deployment of your own.